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Welcome to Looking Within!


I'm Vera, a certified Life Purpose and Empowerment Life Coach with a passion for guiding women on their paths toward purpose and authenticity.​ I'm thrilled to be your guide on this inspiring journey.


I know firsthand how life’s twists and turns can sometimes leave us feeling unsure, disconnected, or even stuck. My own path has been anything but straightforward, and I’ve had my share of moments where I felt lost or out of alignment.


But here’s what I learned—when we take the time to look within, to reconnect with who we truly are, everything changes.

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For me, the turning point came when I realized that true fulfillment doesn’t come from outside achievements or checking off the next life goal—it comes from living authentically, from aligning with our deeper purpose. I’ve lived through the doubt, the uncertainty, and the breakthroughs, and now I’m passionate about helping others uncover that same truth for themselves.


With a professional and academic background in mental health and well-being, I’ve come to understand just how powerful self-discovery is. It’s not just about overcoming obstacles or getting by day-to-day. It’s about thriving. It’s about building a life that feels meaningful, one where you’re aligned with your values, passions, and unique strengths. That’s what I want for you.


I get it—this journey isn’t always easy. It takes courage to step back, reflect, and ask the big questions: “Who am I, really? What am I here for?” But I truly believe that everyone, including you, has an innate ability to lead a life that feels true and purposeful. And you don’t have to do it alone. I’m here to support you through every step—whether it’s helping you gain clarity, tap into your strengths, or navigate life’s challenges with resilience and grace.


What’s important to know is that this isn’t about following a one-size-fits-all path. It’s about discovering your path—the one that feels right and authentic to you. Together, we’ll dig deep to uncover what lights you up and what makes you feel fulfilled, not just on the surface, but deep down. From there, we’ll create a roadmap that helps you move forward with confidence, purpose, and a sense of alignment.


I know this process works, because I’ve lived it. And now, it’s my mission to share this approach with you—to guide you as you embrace your authentic self and step into the life you were truly meant to live.


So if you’re ready to explore, to grow, and to start living more authentically, I’m here to guide and support you. You have everything you need within you; my role is to help you bring it to the surface.


With Love 

Vera xx

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